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What Is An Audiologist?

An Audiologist is all ears! Audiology is the field of testing that identifies and assesses hearing and/or balance problems. Audiologists also help manage hearing loss and tinnitus through fitting of hearing aids and/or tinnitus masking devices.

An Audiologist has a Masters or Doctorate degree, and are specialized professionals in the assessment of hearing impairment. They work in collaboration with ear surgeons to help identify and address the ear, hearing and/or balance problems.

If you have problems with your ears, hearing and/or balance, the importance of an appropriate and timely evaluation cannot be understated. The Audiologists and ear surgeons at the Shea Clinic Ear Nose & Throat and the Shea Hearing Aid Center have the experience, expertise and tools to help you understand and manage your ear, hearing and/or balance concerns, and we welcome the chance to assist you.

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